Bucks Happening Explains Digital MarketingLast night, I attended an informative seminar, presented by Bucks Happening. The 60- minute, free presentation explained the world of digital marketing, from two people with a lot of experience. Bucks Happening, co-founded by Tina Paparone and Angela Giovine (sisters), is a lifestyle driven website for people in Bucks County.

…if you own a business, no matter how small, and you’re not advertising on-line, you probably should be.

They explained that the way to reach potential clients has gone digital and provided some quick, easy steps to get there. The takeaway of the night being, if you own a business, no matter how small, and you’re not advertising on-line, you probably should be. Google analytics and facebook insights are just two reasons. It’s an exciting time in the advertising world, businesses are now able to target ads, like never before, thanks to the technology that changes almost daily. By placing an ad in just the right place, you can be sure that the people in your target market will be reading it. Advertising digitally is multi-faceted. Your business should also maintain an on-line presence. From website, to facebook, to twitter, and foursquare, claim your name and start connecting.

Your potential clients are spending their days checking in on foursquare, tweeting and facebooking, you need to be out there connecting with them.

Not convinced? Think about how we connect in today’s world. We have become a digital society. We live in a world where, we get our news from social media, and our smart phone, ipod or ipad, is our life line. Your potential clients are spending their days checking in on foursquare, tweeting and facebooking, you need to be out there connecting with them.

Tina and Angela ran through the 5 steps you can take to get digital, sharing statistics, examples, and some really cool videos.Their expertise in the field of digital marketing is evident. The pair also warned that ads designed for print do not translate well in a digital world. When it comes to digital advertising, there are many options, from banner ads to embedded video to sponsored posts, whatever your choose, be sure to place them where your portenial clients are sure to read them. If you’re a small, local business, niche bogs and websites, like LevittownComfort, that focus on a hyper- local market, are a sure way to reach your local clients.

Bucks Happening‘s informative seminars are provided to answer questions for those interested in growing their business on-line and learning more about the ever-changing technology. To learn more, visit the Bucks Happening website.


Bucks Happening Explains Digital Marketing