At Mingl Marketing, we’re firm believers in getting value for your marketing dollars. Maybe it’s because we’re located in Philly, but the famous John Wanamaker quote “I know I’m wasting half of my marketing budget- I just don’t know which half!” is something we want to avoid. We want you to know where your marketing dollars are going. You need to know which campaigns drive the most leads, so you can do more of what works, less of what doesn’t, and improve what’s under-performing.

Marketing Software

One of the most important aspects of a successful business is information and data analysis. You need to know where things stand and have an idea on how to improve them. This constant move to improve is a cornerstone of what web developers call Growth-Driven Design, where websites change over time to meet new goals, improve user experience, and generally grow and change with the changing needs of your business.

Here at Mingl Marketing, we believe that you should measure just about everything you do. That’s one of the reasons we’re a Hubspot Partner Agency, but work with other marketing software packages as well. It doesn’t matter whether you use Sharpspring, Marketo, Act-on, Cake, Wordstream, Infusionsoft, Vocus, another company, or depend solely on analytics through Google, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp or other services- what matters is that you measure what you do.

For example, the chart above is from one of our client’s Hubspot portals, showing their email performance so far this year. With industry average open rates of 22% and click-throughs of 2-3%, we’re clearly doing well with open rates close to 50% and CTR of 32%.

But the most important part of this chart is not the wins, but the losers- what emails aren’t working?

  • Which ones get fewer opens and click-throughs?
  • How can we refine the messages to keep feeding potential customers the information they love, and less of what they don’t?
  • Do we need to do better list segmentation or more research to find out why some messages are better than others?

The “winners” show us what people love, but the less opened emails show us where we can improve. And that’s how we’re able to get better results for our clients consistently. We track the results of everything we do, and work to improve it to better meet your business goals.

Spend The Time to Know Your Audience

One of the things we spend time on when working with a new client is getting to know their customers. We not only talk to the business owners about their business, but we ask about the customers as well. Knowing who you are marketing to is probably the most important aspect to setting up your marketing efforts.

We ask questions about what works, and what customers would like you to do better. And then we turn this information into Customer Journeys, to help you attract more of your best customers- and less of the people who aren’t. These customer journeys help us craft content, offers, and emails that help solve your potential customer’s problems, making it more likely that they will become qualified leads and eventually customers.

While this step takes some time, it’s important, because it’s what helps us to make sure you don’t waste your marketing dollars guessing on what customers want to hear- you know. And the subsequent messages on your website, in email and social media will help you refine that picture of your perfect customer(s)- and others like them.