The irony of the Social Business Future Conference is in the name – because the Future is now.

Social Business Future

With tracks for Executive Leadership, Human Resources, Marketing, Education, Community Food & Farming and Small Business, this professional development opportunity provides forward-thinking business people with the unique ability to attend a social media workshop designed to address the specific needs of the hat you wear every day.

If you attend the Marketing track, Cari Sultanik and I will give you the information you need to begin aligning the right social media tools and tactics with your existing marketing strategy.

If you’re wondering why your company should try social media, we’ll show you the results other businesses are getting.

If you’re struggling to get results from your social media effort, we’ll deconstruct your strategy during the second half of the agenda and offer battle-tested adjustments that will get you moving in the right direction.

Do you want to own the one square mile around your shop, or is your target market the whole Delaware Valley, or all fifty of the United States? We’ll show you how you can add a social media component to your current budget that will serve these objectives effectively, with complete traceability, repeatability, and undeniable metrics.

The Social Business Future is not a one-and-done conference where you’ll be handed the golden keys to all things social media, although at times, it will certainly feel that way.

It’s one mile marker in the long journey that is part of being a professional marketer. Chuck Hall’s SoMeBizLife Conference combined with the Social Business Future Conference, give Delaware Valley marketing pros a tremendous professional development value, while connecting you to colleagues from a wide variety of local businesses in a forum where open discussion and sharing of challenges and solutions help everyone achieve the kinds breakthroughs we hope for when attending off-sites like this.

You’ll have the unique opportunity to have an in-depth conversation about your company’s individual needs and challenges so you can walk out of there with actionable knowledge that will absolutely benefit your marketing objectives immediately.

If you’re the one responsible for connecting your company’s message with your company’s customers, you need to attend.

If you’re the one responsible for listening to customer feedback so your company can develop the new products and services your customers want, you need to attend.

If you’re the one responsible for understanding your company’s competitive landscape, you need to attend.

If you’re the one responsible for ensuring that your company is getting the most bang for its marketing buck, you need to attend.

I’ve been to many, many social media conferences. Some were better than others. Some I go to all the time, some I no longer attend. I know the difference between networking and working, and so, if you are within a one hour drive of this conference, you need to attend. It’s going to be that good.

And don’t miss the informal networking event immediately following. You never know where you’re going to meet your next great hire or learn about something that helps your life and your business.

I look forward to enjoying a productive day of work with you at The Social Business Future Conference, Friday, November 9th at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, PA.

Click here to register: The Social Business Conference.

Click here to listen to a discussion about the conference, with Jen Phillips April, John Langan, Rick Toone, Chuck Hall and me.

— Don