I’m no shopper, but I LOVE the atmosphere of the holiday shopping season, so if you bump into me out there at the mall any time after Thanksgiving, I am likely keeping one of my kids company while they shop. It’s never been my thing, fighting crowds, waiting on line, battling for the last hot toy.

Although I’ve done all of that in a past life.

However, we have clients who are keenly aware that success at this time of year is essential to them making their numbers, so while I look at Black Friday as an opportunity to help them, I do it by helping shoppers like me — anti-shoppers — by making their holiday gift shopping a little easier through the campaigns we manage.

So here we sit, two weeks away from Black Friday and for a week I’ve been pelted with Black Friday offers and deals. No longer do merchants wait for the Sunday paper a week before to announce their Black Friday deals. Now, according to this data from Nextopia, major retailers launched their Black Friday campaigns THREE WEEKS in advance of the big day.

Black Friday Three weeks

So for two more weeks, we can all expect to see an ever growing deluge of can’t-miss Black Friday deals. I’m just hoping to hold off the holiday tunes till after the Eagles whip up on those Cowgirls.

Here’s the complete infographic from Nextopia, laying out the big numbers and what we can expect this Black Friday 2014, and if you want to fire up a Facebook advertising campaign to boost your revenue any day of the week, check out this tutorial from our sister agency, Comfort Media Group, How-To: Build a Basic Facebook Pay-Per-Click HVAC Ad Campaign.

When do I start marketing and advertising for Black Friday?