Celebrity Business Bartender Event with ECI Comfort Solutions

Mingl Social and Streamline Payroll kicked off another successful Celebrity Business Bartender Event last Friday.   This week’s sponsor, and featured bartender of the evening, was ECI Comfort Solutions   Ron Musser, of ECI Comfort Solutions, with the staff at Kellen’s Station House   Energy Concepts, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business that has […]

Celebrity Business Bartender Event with MyExpressOil.com

In a joint venture, mingl social and Streamline Payroll kicked off our first Celebrity Business Bartender event with sponsor and featured bartender of the evening, MyExpressOil.com. Amid delicious appetizers, and two freshly tapped kegs, attendees enjoyed “mingling” and networking on this Friday night at Kellen’s Station House. MyExpressOil.com had plenty of swag, a beautiful basket […]

Here’s Why You Should Attend The Social Business Future Conference

The irony of the Social Business Future Conference is in the name – because the Future is now. With tracks for Executive Leadership, Human Resources, Marketing, Education, Community Food & Farming and Small Business, this professional development opportunity provides forward-thinking business people with the unique ability to attend a social media workshop designed to address the […]

While We Were Mingling, We Found These Tips, Hints, and Links for You

Today’s hodge-podge of tips, hints, and links was found our own, Levittown Comfort site. Levittown Comfort was launched in June 2012, and is a hyper-local niche blog for Levittown, PA homeowners. Often, the news shared on this site is geared to the residents of Levittown. Today, is a bit of a mix and a little […]

PhIMA’s Social Media Summit: What’s changed? What’s working? What’s next?

A guy from Facebook, a guy from Twitter, an agency guy and a college professor walk into a crowded bar… That’s kinda what happened last night as the Philadelphia Interactive Marketing Association hosted its annual Social Media Summit, and packed ‘em in at the Yard at the Hub meeting Space in Philadelphia, a very sweet […]