Facebook Image Specifications – 2014 Update
Hunting down the image specifications for Facebook apps can be a pain in the ass, especially with the way Facebook frequently makes changes to the platform. Fortunately, John Loomer has done all the homework for us, so all you need do is bookmark this post or send the link to yourself in an email, and you’ll never have to hunt down the specifications for a Facebook Offer image or a sharing thumbnail again.
Keys to Success

Every successful person has their own keys to their success. This is a list I came across some years ago. I put it on the wall next to my desk and have looked to it almost every day for that push I needed to stay the course. I hope this list serves your success well.
Right Things Right
One of my favorite sayings is “There is a right way and a wrong way to do business”. It’s a personal motto, always reminding me to conduct myself in a professional manner that will reflect positively on me and my business. I usually whip this one out immediately after I see an example of the […]
Email is Essential to Your Online Marketing Success
Anybody who’s been around me lately knows how passionate I’ve become about the critical importance of an email component to the success of every aspect of their online marketing strategy. That’s right. Every aspect of their online marketing strategy. That means your Facebook and Twitter strategies too. You can have the most engaged, vibrant, happening […]
Here’s Why You Should Attend The Social Business Future Conference
The irony of the Social Business Future Conference is in the name – because the Future is now. With tracks for Executive Leadership, Human Resources, Marketing, Education, Community Food & Farming and Small Business, this professional development opportunity provides forward-thinking business people with the unique ability to attend a social media workshop designed to address the […]