Another Successful Celebrity Business Bartender Event at Kellen’s Station House

In a joint venture, Mingl Social and Streamline Payroll kicked off another Celebrity Business Bartender Event. This week’s sponsor and featured bartender of the evening was The EI Apparel Team.     The EI Apparel Team showed off plenty of swag, as the Kellen’s staff showed off their new logo wear, courtesy of EI Apparel. […]

While We Were Mingling, We Found These Tips, Hints, and Links for You

Today’s hodge-podge of tips, hints, and links was found our own, Levittown Comfort site. Levittown Comfort was launched in June 2012, and is a hyper-local niche blog for Levittown, PA homeowners. Often, the news shared on this site is geared to the residents of Levittown. Today, is a bit of a mix and a little […]

A Fall Weekend with the Family in Bucks County

  The day started out with no real expectations. It was the first day of fall and the weather was gorgeous. It was also my first chance to see Avery play soccer for her new team the Extreme. Avery, my 4 year old granddaughter, was scheduled to play a 10:00 am game at Middletown Park. […]

Bucks Happening Explains Digital Marketing

Last night, I attended an informative seminar, presented by Bucks Happening. The 60- minute, free presentation explained the world of digital marketing, from two people with a lot of experience. Bucks Happening, co-founded by Tina Paparone and Angela Giovine (sisters), is a lifestyle driven website for people in Bucks County. …if you own a business, […]