Celebrity Business Bartender Event with ECI Comfort Solutions

Mingl Social and Streamline Payroll kicked off another successful Celebrity Business Bartender Event last Friday.   This week’s sponsor, and featured bartender of the evening, was ECI Comfort Solutions   Ron Musser, of ECI Comfort Solutions, with the staff at Kellen’s Station House   Energy Concepts, Inc. is a family-owned and operated business that has […]

Another Successful Celebrity Business Bartender Event at Kellen’s Station House

In a joint venture, Mingl Social and Streamline Payroll kicked off another Celebrity Business Bartender Event. This week’s sponsor and featured bartender of the evening was The EI Apparel Team.     The EI Apparel Team showed off plenty of swag, as the Kellen’s staff showed off their new logo wear, courtesy of EI Apparel. […]

Celebrity Business Bartender Event with MyExpressOil.com

In a joint venture, mingl social and Streamline Payroll kicked off our first Celebrity Business Bartender event with sponsor and featured bartender of the evening, MyExpressOil.com. Amid delicious appetizers, and two freshly tapped kegs, attendees enjoyed “mingling” and networking on this Friday night at Kellen’s Station House. MyExpressOil.com had plenty of swag, a beautiful basket […]

Celebrity Business Bartender Event at Kellen’s Station House

Friday, November 9th, from 5:30 to 7:30, Kellen’s Station House will be the location for a Celebrity Business Bartender Event. Mingl Social and Streamline Payroll are kicking off this weekly happy hour/ business networking event. This week’s featured business bartender is Chase Musser, from MyExpressOil.com. Chase will be serving drinks to networkers, throughout this unique […]