A guy from Facebook, a guy from Twitter, an agency guy and a college professor walk into a crowded bar…

That’s kinda what happened last night as the Philadelphia Interactive Marketing Association hosted its annual Social Media Summit, and packed ‘em in at the Yard at the Hub meeting Space in Philadelphia, a very sweet meeting spot right at 30th Street Station.

PhIMA’s “most popular panel of the year”, Social Media Summit: What's changed? What's working? What's next?

Aside from reconnecting with friends and making some new ones, the centerpiece of the evening was the panel discussion, billed as PhIMA’s “most popular panel of the year”, Social Media Summit: What’s changed? What’s working? What’s next?

Jed Singer, Kevin Hein, Doug Jossem and Justin Silva - Social Media Summit: What's changed? What's working? What's next?

With Stuzo Dachis Group’s Jed Singer moderating, panelists Kevin Hein of Facebook, Doug Jossem of Twitter, and Justin Silva of The Archer Group, each went on to do a brief presentation and field questions from the audience. Though nothing they said was scoop-worthy new news, it was a comfort to come away from the evening knowing that we’re giving our clients here at Mingl Social best-in-class social media guidance.

PhIMA’s “most popular panel of the year”, Social Media Summit: What's changed? What's working? What's next?

It’s a shame I can’t share some of the funnier “off the record” stuff the panelists shared, but that’s the reason we show up at these things, right? That’s why I’m going to spend the day at Podcamp East tomorrow, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Here are some of the things the panel shared with us last night.

Mobile marketing is driving more traffic now than desktop computers.

Mobile is no longer a “bolt on” component of a digital marketing strategy.

Mobile is now the primary screen.

62% of Fortune 500 companies have a Facebook business page.

58% of Fortune 500 companies have a Twitter account.

Small to medium-sized businesses have finally reached a level of comfort with Facebook as a component of their marketing strategies that C-level approval is not required.

Content should be reduced to the shortest number of words and build on interesting imagery to ensure widespread consumption.

There’s a shift from consumers wanting polished, old school advertising imagery to imagery that looks like it was taken by a mobile phone – by the average person.

People prefer to have brands “creep into their social consciousness” instead of being flashed in their face.

Just because somebody became a Facebook connection through a sweepstakes, don’t assume they’re a brand advocate.

Before choosing content ask, “Why would I care? Why would I share?”

Brands doing it right: Burberry and Starbucks among others.

Twitter has 140 million active users who send out 400 million tweets a day.

Twitter’s ad products enable brands to promote a number of ways:

Facebook success is based on the model, Connect > Engage > Influence > Integrate

Influence is where most brands fall apart.

51% of users who like a Facebook page are likely to buy from that brand.

6.3 million small to medium-sized businesses are on Facebook.

Creating “valuable experiences” through a Facebook page is still the best recipe for high levels of engagement and loyalty.

Consistent interactions raise the value of a Facebook page.

The average Facebook user has 130-150 connections.

60% of the people connected to a business page will recommend that brand.

Facebook use on mobile has grown 67% year over year.

Themed campaigns over a defined period of time produce higher levels of engagement.

You don’t need to develop an app if you have good images and engaging ideas.

Like I said, nothing I heard there is going to change what we recommend to our clients, but it’s nice to hear the guys from Facebook and Twitter along with a well respected agency and a college prof tell me the sky really is as blue as I think it is.

2 Responses

  1. Don,

    sorry I missed it. i’ve gone to two of their events at the Circa center and you are right they are always excellent. And you are hearing right from the source.

    Next time Maybe I’ll meet you there
